1911 – 1920
#21 | Congresses
PANEL 21: Congresses
Photo: Fr. Albera during the 1911 Past Pupils’ Congress, in a Renault Type CC (this was a brand new model, produced between 1911 and 1914).
Fr. Albera’s Story
Congresses were very much in vogue between 1888 and 1915 and Fr. Albera, as Spiritual Director of the Congregation and as Rector Major, was one of their most ardent promoters. These gatherings were intended to generate new ideas and stimulate concrete action on crucial topics such as the oratory and catechesis, or to strengthen the unity of the associations of Salesian Cooperators and Past Pupils, male and female.
V Congress, May 17-18, 1911
“Festive Oratories and Catholic Schools”
Proposals and Resolutions of the Congress:
-Internal organization and staff formation
-Spirit, prayers and religious celebrations
-Catechesis – competitions and preaching
-Sports, music and drama – Social education – personal savings and associations for mutual assistance
– Oratories for girls
– Religion in Schools
September 8-10, 1911: First international Congress of Salesian Past Pupils
November 23 -25, 1911: First Congress of Salesian Past Pupils of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians
March 14-15, 1914: Conference of Cooperator Delegates
May 20-23, 1920: VIII International Congress of Salesian Cooperators, Second International Congress of Salesian Past Pupils and Second International Congress of the Past Pupils of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.
These three Congresses were held simultaneously as part of the celebrations for the inauguration of the monument of Don Bosco in Piazza Maria Ausiliatrice, donated by the Past Pupils.
Audio guide